
5 cups good quality chicken stock (homemade recipe below)

3 ½ cups cooked long grain white rice (warm)

⅓ cup fresh squeezed lemon juice

2 egg yolks, room temperature

4 cups cooked chicken*, shredded into small bite size pieces

¼ teaspoon black pepper

¼ cup fresh dill, chopped


Heat the chicken stock in a large 5-6 quart Dutch oven or soup pot over medium high heat until it comes to a low boil.  Reduce to a simmer and keep warm.

Add 1 cup of the stock to a blender with ½ cup of the rice, the lemon juice, and the egg yolks.  Blend until smooth.  Note – you don’t want to ‘cook or scramble’ the egg yolks, so be sure to process as soon as you add them to the blender.  This process is called ‘tempering’ the yolks so they don’t cook when they hit the hot stock.

Very gradually whisk this mixture into the warm stock in the pot.  The stock will begin to thicken slightly and have a creamy texture.  Add the remaining rice, chicken, and black pepper to the pot.  Raise the heat to a very low boil and cook for 10-15 minutes more, stirring frequently, allowing the broth to thicken a little more and the flavors to meld.  Stir in the dill. Taste the soup for seasoning and add more salt if needed (this will depend on how well seasoned your stock is).

Serve hot bowls garnished with lemon slices and more dill.  DEVOUR!!


1, 4-5 pound whole chicken (remove the giblet package in the cavity and set aside or discard)

2 large onions, chopped into 1” pieces

3 cups celery, chopped into 1” pieces

3 large carrots, chopped into 1” pieces (no need to peel)

2 teaspoons salt

2 teaspoons black pepper

4 large soft chicken bouillon cubes (or ¼ cup chicken base)

6-8 cups water

Place the chicken in a 7-8 quart Dutch oven or soup pot.  Add the onions, celery, carrots, salt, pepper, and bouillon cubes around the chicken.  Add enough water to the pot to completely cover the chicken.

Bring the pot to a boil and then reduce to a very low boil.  Cook for 2-3 hours until the chicken is cooked through and starting to fall apart.  If the liquid level falls below the top of the chicken, add a little more to cover.  Occasionally, skim any foam or fat that forms on the top of the stock with a large spoon.

When the chicken is falling apart (and your house smells ahhhmazing), carefully remove the chicken from the pot to a large bowl and let it cool until it is cool enough to pick the meat off and shred into bite-size pieces with your hands.

Strain the stock into a large bowl or another pot through a fine mesh sieve.  If you are not using the stock right away, it freezes beautifully in containers for up to 6 months.

*Rotisserie chicken is great for this soup if you are not making your own broth!


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